Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQs answer some of the most commonly asked questions about NASCO's Developer Portal, APIs and Events.
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I don’t see any APIs. How can I discover your APIs and Events?

Just sign up to create an account with us, we'll review the request, and look for an approval email in your inbox within 2 business days.

To create an account:
1. Click Sign Up on the main menu
2. Tell us about yourself
3. Agree to our Terms of Use
4. Click Create New Account

Do I need to create an App to subscribe to your Events?

No.  Subscribing to an event notification works differently.  You'll need a secure endpoint to receive the event and we'll need to add an event subscription for you.  Don't worry, it's pretty simple.  Just use the Contact Us option to inquire about subscribing to a NASCO Event and we'll follow up.

What is a Customer Journey and how can I use them to navigate the NASCO Developer Portal?

NASCO has adopted Google's "outside-in" approach to API design.  In the NASCO Developer Portal, we want to organize our digital assets according to the real world problem space, rather than by internal product.   Not only do Customer Journeys align with the language of our Product Councils, but on a more practical level, they allow us to organize our APIs by the use cases they address.  So you will find some APIs appear in our Developer Portal in a few places.   This is because those APIs may be instrumental to addressing more than one use case.  For example, a GET member eligibility API is core to half a dozen healthcare journeys.  

How do we view interoperability and Digital Innovation?

Healthcare technology is becoming increasingly interdependent.   Consumerism is driving everything from increased diversified benefit management at the employer level to micro adjustments to member profiles via payer mobile applications.   NASCO plays a critical role in the management of healthcare information for our customers.   We are committed to providing access to information at the moment it is most useful to our customers and their members and providers.  We are further committed to pushing the envelope of modern API and event based architectures to extend our capabilities into your business processing and for the benefit of your member's experience.

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